Saturday, January 5, 2008

Meet Small Snake

Perhaps you remember Firefly mentioning that I told a story about a small green snake that I had written last year. Well, I shared this story over Christmas with my Mom, and she surprised me by making and sending me a Small Snake puppet. Unfortunately, I ripped some of the stitching and he grew. So he's not so small. But you can see the way my Mom even made him a special skin to shed. It was an endearing gift.


Marti said...

You mom is so sweet. He's looks really cute.

Dave said...

That is really cool! I don't think I would have ben able to figure out skin that sheds. Could this be a peace offering?

Anne said...

He looks cozy in the chair.

J. Baird said...

Wow, I'm also surprised your mom bestowed this gift, and it is touching that she did. Very nice.