Sunday, November 4, 2007


In an attempt to write more frequently, and not just about serious topics, I thought I'd ask for some input on meal planning. Robyn got me thinking about this with her post about Rachel Ray this week. I watched a Rachel Ray show today, because her post had made me curious. And for what it's worth, Robyn, I enjoyed the show. (I think she's a bit annoying to watch, but I think that of all cooking personas.) I learned something new about spaghetti--putting butter and Parmesan cheese on the noodles before adding the sauce--interesting, and probably really yummy. But watching all of these cooking shows (I watched a couple today) has got me thinking that my problem with cooking really is never in the kitchen. The problem is planning and shopping for food. It seems like if I get too much food, then things will come up and I'll be eating out, and then food goes bad. If I don't shop enough (because we've been eating out a lot) then when I have a night at home, I don't have enough ingredients to make a satisfying dinner. (That's not entirely true, but it is a frustration.)
I've been imagining that I should get really organized and go through my cupboard and refrigerator and try to stock up on basics--like butter and good flour, and spices, and such. And maybe get some containers that would help me store things well. Or become better at cooking and freezing. But then I also think I just need a better routine for thinking about meals and shopping. How do you all do it? Any suggestions?


Dave said...

OK, now. Here is where I am a PRO. ;)

I am actually just sitting down with a pile of cookbooks in my lap, logging on to Fresh Direct to place my order for the week. Pre-kid I would plan 3-4 meals a week, because we were eater-outers, or would just have like hummus and pita one night. Then, when I ran out of the meals, I would plan for the next 3-4. Now, I plan for 5-6 and no hummus and pita meals (well, sometimes for is Andrew's favorite lunch actually...). Then I order everything but produce and send Dave to the local markets for the produce. Before we did Fresh Direct, I would still sort the produce out of the normal list. We would get the produce at the Farmer's Market (the one in Park Slope) and we (well, Dave) would lug home everything else from the grocery store.

So, as I plow through the cookbooks picking things out, I put little bookmarks in the pages of the recipes I am prepared to make. I also write the list of meals (and the things I bake) on a magnetic pad of paper that goes on the fridge. Then, sometime during the day, I look at the list, decide how tired I am or if I want a fancier meal and chose what fits. Or sometimes I think, "it's raining, a good day for soup." Or, "it's too warm for pizza, I'm going to make...whatever."

I'm not sure how I would work the system if I got produce boxes like you do. That would be tricky for me. Are you still getting those boxes? Or is the season over?

Dave said...

Hey! I popped right up! You must have figured something out!

Kirsten said...

Thanks for the tips, Robyn. I like the idea of having the meals you've planned posted on your frig. I like the flexibility of it, but the fact that you are also kept aware of what's available to you.

It is a little trickier to plan when I don't choose the vegetables, but the season is ending, and I may use Fresh Direct for the winter.