Thursday, June 21, 2007

NYC really is a small town

So, funny thing happened to me today. About three months ago, Eric and I were in a coffee shop in the East Village and we saw a family of four walk in. I remember them because the father looked quite old, like he might be in his late 50's or even 60's and he had two small girls who looked to be about 3 and 5. I stared at them because I often think about Eric being an older father someday, not to say Eric will ever be 60 with a toddler, but still, he's much older than my parents were when they had me and my brothers, so I notice older parents. I point this out only to demonstrate that I really did stare, discreetly of course.
Then today, when I was picking up our vegetables from the local CSA, I saw this man and his two daughters again. I guess they live in Jackson Heights, like me, and they are also part of the CSA. I thought he looked familiar, but then when I saw him with his girls, I was sure it was the same person. One of the girls was even wearing the same cute red shoes.
So strange, to take notice of a person in Manhattan and then to learn that they are my neighbor.

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