This is a common assignment for writers, since the only way to improve as a writer is to write, write often, and then keep writing. It's an assignment similar to Julia Cameron’s “morning pages” where she asks you to “dump” three pages of writing every day, regardless of any excuses you have. However, the way my teacher, Elaine Edelman gives the 15 minutes a day assignment ends up working slightly differently for me.
For one thing, the 15 minutes isn’t suppose to be writing that just clears the pipes, as the morning pages can often be, though it might be. Elaine encourages us to get quiet before beginning, and to try to be concrete in what we write. If we are writing about memories, try to be intentional about the details of that memory. Don’t treat the 15 minutes as a time to record thoughts and feelings, but follow those thoughts and feelings with concrete examples that perhaps inspired the thoughts and feelings.
Fifteen minutes is not a long time. I probably give fifteen minutes every day to brushing my teeth, flossing, and washing my face. However, sticking to the discipline has never worked for me, yet. But I made a renewed attempt at it this week and had better results than ever before. Here’s what I tried:
- On the first day, when I could feel my defenses rising against it, I took some time to visualize myself doing the activity. It was morning, and I told myself, I don’t have time to do the writing right now, so I’ll do it in the evening. But I know that all too many times, I find excuses for not doing it in the evening. So that morning—when I thought to myself, “I’m too busy”—I took a moment to visualize myself getting quiet that night and opening my journal and writing. I made it a pleasant vision, a space that I would gladly retreat to, and that night I actually looked forward to taking that time to be quiet and write.
- I only made myself think of it as a 15-minute commitment. Many nights I wrote longer. A couple of days I took what I had written and typed it up and worked on it further. But each night I would say to myself, “it’s only 15 minutes,” and that helped fight the resistance to the task.
- I set aside one topic for the week, and despite all of the things on my mind, I tried to refocus back to the same topic each night when I picked up the writing journal. It made it feel more like a project instead of just a time to see in writing the scattered thoughts in my head.
- I let myself do it in the evening. I often feel like I should do this in the morning. The morning is when I’m freshest and when I’m most alert, and when I get my best work done. But for whatever reason, it’s also the time that I feel the most anxiety about what I “should” be doing with my time, and many mornings I’m sleepy or in a rush, and it’s too easy to have to skip it. Once I’ve skipped it and missed my “allotted” time, then I feel like I failed and why bother. By doing it in the evening, I am less likely to “have” to skip it. After all, I can go to bed 15 minutes later. Right? How will that make a big difference?
One last thought about this practice and blogging. I’ve been wondering whether or not blogging daily is the same as doing this exercise. In some ways I think it can be. I certainly think blogging regularly can be an excellent writing practice. But something she said makes me think it’s intentionally different. She said that we use such a small portion of our brain throughout the day, and most of that is the “social” part of it. By getting quiet and making space for the reflection, she wants us to activate the other parts of the brain, to bring up forgotten memories, to go to spaces that we don’t easily visit. So I think blogging is still part of the “social” mind. And it’s instant publishing. I think the journal time is space to write without revising. To pull together the clay and mud that will later be sculpted.
I've completed this assignment for six out of the last seven days. A modest victory, but a beginning. You all can help me stick to the commitment.
I welcome suggestions for battling the mind games. And your thoughts on writing and writing regularly. And maybe your thoughts on traditional journal writing and something like this that tries to be a little more focused. I didn't really get into that comparison.
I think that blog writing and journal are very different. It's so interesting to me how audience is so important to my writing. I was thinking about writing in a journal for 15 minutes a day and thinking that that would be a real challenge. The only motivating factor would be writing to be a better writer. Or, writing to fulfill an assignment. Maybe some days it would be writing to think through something. And I wonder if that is motivating enough for me.
I can't believe you floss everyday.
This is not really related to the post except that it's about writing. You know I struggle on my blog (and in life) to expand on things. You know, things. Well, the other day I heard the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" again, and I thought it would be worthwhile for me to try and reverse that sometime -- to try and make a picture for the reader with a thousand words. We'll see.
On journaling, I've never been very faithful, but I also agree it's a quieter and more reflective activity than blogging. For journaling, I'll write to the point of a realization. But for my blog, I have to collect little realizations throughout the week in order to "publish."
I like what Anne Lamott says: "But after a few days at the desk, telling the truth in an interesting way turns out to be about as easy and pleasurable as bathing a cat."
I thought maybe I'd meet up with you here, Firefly, since you're making the rounds. It's good to see you.
Thanks, Anne.
Not sure how you knew I was making the rounds...I feel like I should wave to your crystal ball. :)
I can't believe you floss everyday.
It's cuz I get an email everytime a comment is posted, and while I was doing email I saw that you had stopped by Robyn's, and then mine, so my crystal ball told me wild woman here would be next.
Thanks for the lesson--I appreciate it, and I'll try to do the exercise.
Eric on the Math, Kirsten on the Writing.
I don't floss EVERY day. Though I have been making a big effort toward that goal ever since my last dentist visit. :)
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