Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More on Death

Today's poem from the Writer's Almanac fit quite well with my weekend reflections.
Read it here. (It's Tuesday's poem if you follow the link on another day, I think you'll get the current day.)


Anne said...

The poem is beautiful.

Yesterday I was in a panic that I would not be able to finish nursing school, for no really good reason, but this whole disease is turning out to be quite a loss.

First semester we had a whole day's lecture on Death and Dying, where a guest came and talked about grief. I remember a tidbit about one man confessing that sometimes he just wants to kick and scream and yell, "I don't want to die."

For the record, Hermione, I asked her what is comforting to say to people who are suicidal, whose grief is that they're alive. She didn't have a very good answer. But all in all I really enjoyed her lecture. What she drove home is that it's important to support whatever stage of grief people are in.

Kirsten said...

I'm sorry to hear that your body is changing and it's been so difficult lately. It seems totally normal that you would be freaking out. It's a lot to process and cope with. I guess you have to give yourself grace to be at your own stages of grief.